Удивительные способности животных Загадки живой природы артикул 11053b.
Удивительные способности животных Загадки живой природы артикул 11053b.

Переводчики: О Иванова Игорь Лебедев Мы часто относимся к животным покровительственно, считая их менее совершенными Но справедливо ли это? Ведь многие из них в чем-то гораздо одмио совершеннее нас и наделены чувствами и способностями, которые мы либо утратили, либо никогда не имели Поэтому некоторые способности наших братьев меньших кажутся нам просто невероятными Прочитав эту замечательную книгу, вы убедитесь, что реальность поразительнее, чем мифы и легенды Вы узнаете, как животные на больших расстояниях находят дорогу домой и что снится вашей любимой собаке; почему крысы бегут с тонущего корабля и что позволило кошке предупредить своих хозяев о землетрясении; как удается мухе взлететь, прежде чем ее прихлопнет газета, а также о вальсирующих червях, падающих в обморок козах, говорящих обезьянах, дельфинах-спасателях и многом другом Откройте для себя удивительный мир загадок живой природы! Иллюстрации Автор Карл П Н Шукер Karl P N Shuker.  Издательство: Мир книги, 2006 г Твердый переплет, 240 стр ISBN 5-486-00583-0, 1-84028-526-5 Тираж: 40000 экз Формат: 60x90/8 (~220х290 мм).

The Hidden Powers of Animals: Uncovering the Secrets of Nature.
Фольклорный оркестр Русь артикул 11055b.
Фольклорный оркестр Русь артикул 11055b.

Фольклорный оркестр "Русь" широко известен не только в России, но и за рубежом Восемь музыкантов - виртуозов, которым подвластны сразу четыре инструмента, исполняют традиционный одмич русский фольклор в современной обработке Таким образом, народные песни "Зимушка зима", "Однозвучно гремит колокольчик", "Светит месяц", "Валенки", "Калинка" и другие можно услышать в симфонической версии с элементами джаза и даже рока Для записи композиций, представленных на этом диске, музыканты оркестра "Русь" помимо традиционной балалайки, домбры и баяна, использовали редкие инструменты: владимирские рожки, дудели, волынку, колесную лиру, жалейки и свирели Содержание 1 Зимушка зима 2 Однозвучно гремит колокольчик 3 По песочку 4 Зимняя дорога 5 Щедрик 6 Куковала кукушечка 7 Русская плясовая 8 Гусли-мысли 9 Вариации на три русские песни 10 Коробейники 11 Концертная пьеса для гармони с оркестром 12 Утро в деревне 13 Березничек вительеватый 14 Светит месяц 15 Валенки 16 Калинка 17 Заиграй моя волынка 18 В лесу 19 Samba Fer One Note (One Note Samba) 20 Scherzo, J S Bach 21 Tea For Two Исполнитель Фольклорный оркестр "Русь".  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьютор: Квадро-Диск Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2004 г Сборник.

Folklore Orchestrer Russ.
The Art of Producing Games артикул 11057b.
The Art of Producing Games артикул 11057b.

"The Art of Producing Games" analyzes everything that goes into designing and building a successful videogame, from initial concepts, sketches, and storylines, through early prototypes, to the full-scale production of all the component elementsscript, storyboards, screenplay, graphics, video, music, sound effects, code, одмиъ and so on Featuring Q&A interviews with some of the worlds leading game designers, artists, programmers, and production gurus, "The Art of Producing Games" is the essential reference for anyone wanting to work in the industry, or who is curious to know more about it 1 edition Авторы Дэвид МакКарти David McCarthy Сти Кюрран Ste Curran Симон Байрон Simon Byron.  Издательство: Course Technology PTR, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 192 стр ISBN 1592006116.

Оккультная анатомия артикул 11059b.
Оккультная анатомия артикул 11059b.

Переводчик: Константин Зайцев К Э Кришнамачарья - целитель и йог В основе его учения - мысль о синтезе науки и философии с помощью духовности с целью развития человечества Он раскрыл одмиэ универсальные науки ведических писаний и тем самым сделал доступными сокровища божественной мудрости В книге "Оккультная анатомия" рассказывается о силах, скрытых в человеческой конституции Кришнамачарья признает существование не только материального тела, но и тонкого и говорит о необходимости их синтеза Читатель научится управлять своим телом, используя духовные практики Автор Эккирала Кришнамачарья.  Издательство: Амрита-Русь, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 96 стр ISBN 5-94355-207-3 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Тайное братство Путешествие в загадочный мир масонов артикул 11061b.
Тайное братство Путешествие в загадочный мир масонов артикул 11061b.

Масонство, или "общество вольных каменщиков", было и остается одной из самых закрытых и загадочных организаций, испокон веков привлекающей к себе внимание общественности одмйл и вызывающей множество слухов, кривотолков и легенд Строгая иерархия, замкнутость, сохранение секретов мастерства и обязательное соблюдение ритуалов делают масонские ложи объектом постоянного внимания Книга "Тайное братство" приподнимет перед вами завесу тайны и расскажет об истинных намерениях ордена масонов Вы узнаете об истории масонского ордена - начиная с глубокой древности и заканчивая XXI веком - а также о множестве мифов и фактов, касающихся деятельности "вольных каменщиков" по всему миру Богатый иллюстративный материал: фотографии, репродукции картин и гравюр - познакомит читателя с символикой общества масонов Автор Тим Дедопулос Tim Dedopulos.  Издательство: Контэнт, 2010 г Твердый переплет, 128 стр ISBN 978-5-98150-344-3, 1-84442-362-X Формат: 200x270 Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации.

The Brotherhood: Inside the Secret World of the Freemasons.
Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Games Most Wanted артикул 11063b.
Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Games Most Wanted артикул 11063b.

Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Games Most Wanted is the latest title in the popular 'Most Wanted' series from friends of ED This book presents the definitive selection of game design techniques using the latest version of Macromedia Flash - now the industry standard for creating multimedia applications, used by over one million professionals Each chapter одмйы covers a distinct area of online gaming, describing the design and development of a finished Flash game The book delivers as many complete example games as possible and is packed full of the most wanted tips, tricks, and techniques to demonstrate exactly how to produce exciting and interactive games This is an inspiring sample of all the very best techniques that professional Flash game designers are using today.  ISBN 1590592360.

Introduction To Computer Graphics (Graphics Series) артикул 11065b.
Introduction To Computer Graphics (Graphics Series) артикул 11065b.

Book Description In this essential guide to programming computer graphics, the authors begin with the basics of generating images from scratch on a computer screen, taking the first chapter to discuss coordinate systems and transformations, rudimentary shapes, and the representation of grays and colors The book then moves into ways to model одмкж and then represent a three-dimensional figure, covering mathematical models, the vef graph, Euler operators, Bézier curves, and then three-dimensional clipping,lighting effects/shading, visualization, and ray tracing The final chapter addresses specific applications of techniques such as mapping, stereography, and image processing, explaining their use in representing natural objects as well as in virtual reality programming This book can be used as a reference for professionals in the computer graphics field and a textbook for students of computer graphics programming.  2004 г 400 стр ISBN 1584503327.

100 пророчеств Иоанна Богослова артикул 11067b.
100 пророчеств Иоанна Богослова артикул 11067b.

Иоанн Богослов - великий пророк, автор самой загадочной из книг Библии, описывающей конец мира Физика, история и, конечно, теология - пожалуй, нет науки, которая не пыталась бы одмкк толковать "Откровение Иоанна Богослова" Попробуем объединить разные подходы, вспомним, как толковали картины апокалипсиса отцы церкви, - прочтем "откровение" еще раз Автор Любовь Смирнова (составитель, автор).  Издательство: Современный литератор, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 96 стр ISBN 985-14-0905-7 Тираж: 7000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Грани долголетия артикул 11069b.
Грани долголетия артикул 11069b.

Авторы утверждают, что пятьсот тысяч лет назад на человечество Земли обрушилась глобальная катастрофа “Люди потеряли возможность полностью реализовать достигнутые в одмко них эволюцией способности Все эти тысячелетия наша цивилизация находится в глубоком кризисе "Грани долголетия" — краткое изложение гипотезы, обоснование которой проведено авторами в шести книгах На планете сложилась сложная и опасная ситуация Она требует активного участия каждого человека Настало время преодолеть последствия кризисаи вернуть людям возможности, которые были нормой для наших предков".  2004 г 24 стр ISBN 5-9586-0019-2.

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions артикул 11071b.
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions артикул 11071b.

Return to the Land of Ivalice! Uncover the Plot Use our spoiler-free walkthrough to witness the spectacular story of this epic masterpiece Govern every Map Study our maps to find every hidden item, maximize your deployment, and gain a tactical advantage on your foes Master every Job Use our guide to get the most out of your adventuring party Tips and одмкц tricks for leveling up, supporting with spells, and building the best group for every scenario are all contained in an easy to use format Collect every Item Learn how to find, obtain, and equip every item and piece of equipment in the game Defeat every Enemy Use our tactics to train monsters to use in your party, power-level your characters, and remove every enemy that stands in your way Издание на английском языке.  2007 г Мягкая обложка, 208 стр ISBN 0-7440-0974-X Формат: 214x274 Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации.

Introduction to Level Design for PC Games (Game Development Series) артикул 11073b.
Introduction to Level Design for PC Games (Game Development Series) артикул 11073b.

Book Description If you're like most gamers, you're always looking for more gameplay from your favorite games! Well now, thanks to today's technology and the tools developers are including in games, you can Using the game editors that come with your game, or the free gmax software, you can create your own characters, weapons, objects, levels, and одмкъ other assets These tools might seem intimidating at first but once you overcome the initial hurdles, you'll find that you can achieve almost anything with them Introduction to Level Design for PC Games is one of the best ways to get started It teaches you everything you need to know about the fundamentals of game creation, so that the assets you create will work well with your favorite game The focus throughout the book is on creating and texturing geometry for levels, but the concepts you learn and the tools covered in gmax can easily be applied to all types of asset creation Plus, you'll begin to make the transition from player to creator, by learning many of the fundamental skills needed to become a marketable level designer If you want to make game levels that many others will enjoy, you need to start with multiplayer levels, so the book covers popular multiplayer games, particularly First Per son Shooters (FPS) Working through the tutorials, you'll create a complete level and many of its objects You'll find out everything you need to know to create all the elements of a level --geometry, textures, and exporting And once you've mastered these skills, you can explore game industry jobs and salary ranges to see if this is your future!.  2003 г 352 стр ISBN 1584502053.

OpenOffice org Writer артикул 11075b.
OpenOffice org Writer артикул 11075b.

Book DescriptionThanks to OpenOffice org, there is an alternative to Microsoft Word If you've ever been frustrated by Word's quirks and limitations--including its price tag--and longed for a practical alternative, then it's time to break free OpenOffice org is the free, open source office suite and its word processor, Writer, has proven extremely одмлв popular with both Windows and Linux users How good can it be if it's free? you might ask And how much trouble will it be to install and learn? A quicktour of the program will show you: the features you use regularly--from formatting and spell check to using templates and creating indexes --are all there And Writer's intuitive, surprisingly familiar interface lets you navigate with ease To quicklymaster the ins and outs of Writer, you'll want a copy of OpenOffice org Writer: The Free Alternative to Microsoft Word This handy reference is packed with essential information to help you learn the basics of Writer and become adept with its advanced features Written for intermediate and advanced users of word processing programs, OpenOffice org Writer: The Free Alternative to Microsoft Word provides guidance for common and advanced word processing tasks With this book, you'll learn how to: Set up OOoWriter to work your way Write, edit, and review documents Control page layout Use templates and styles effectively Get the most from using fields Work with Tables of contents, indexes, bibliographies Manage large or complex documents Insert, edit and create graphics Make a smooth transition from Microsoft Word OpenOffice org Writer: The Free Alternative to Microsoft Word provides guidance for anyone who wants to break out of the Word rut Its detailed Table of Contents make it a handy reference for even the most experienced word processing users who want to get up to speed quickly with this program, or make sure they're taking full advantage of OOo Writer's features With the complete office suite included on a CD (which you can install on as many machines as you like), this book makes using Writer an easy decision OpenOffice org Writer: The Free Alternative to Microsoft Word is part of the O'Reilly Community Press Series Unlike classic O'Reilly animal books, O'Reilly's role in the series is limited to providing manufacturing and distribution services rather than editorial development, so that each Community Press title reflects the editorial voice and organization of the community that has created it.  2004 г 234 стр ISBN 0596008260.

Таинственный мир аномальных явлений артикул 11077b.
Таинственный мир аномальных явлений артикул 11077b.

Так ли уж фантастичен сюжет романа М А Булгакова "Мастер и Маргарита"? Отнюдь нет, считает Игорь Винокуров, известный исследователь аномальных явлений Свой вывод он обосновывает, одмли сопоставляя одно из порожденных фантазией знаменитого писателя невероятных проявлений неведомого с тем, что случается на самом деле и, бывает, даже подтверждается в ходе судебных разбирательств Автор Игорь Винокуров.  Серия: Все загадки Земли.

Champions of Valor (Dungeons & Dragons: Forgotten Realms, Campaign Supplement) артикул 11079b.
Champions of Valor (Dungeons & Dragons: Forgotten Realms, Campaign Supplement) артикул 11079b.

Champions of Valor is a comprehensive guide to playing valiant heroes in the Forgotten Realms setting The counterpart to Champions of Ruin, Champions of Valor covers what it means to be valorous in the Realms The book describes several good-aligned guilds and organizations that characters can join, as well as the benefits for doing so In addition, одмлп the book presents an array of new spells, feats, and prestige classes appropriate for heroes of valor, and opens up new opportunities for adventure, fame, and glory for truly heroic characters Авторы Томас М Рейд Thomas M Reid Шон К Реинолдс Sean K Reynolds.  Издательство: Wizards of the Coast, 2005 г Твердый переплет, 160 стр ISBN 0786936975.

Принцесса специй артикул 11081b.
Принцесса специй артикул 11081b.

От издателя Режиссер: Пол Майда Бергес Продюсеры: Гуриндер Чадха Дипак Найар Творческий коллектив Дополнительные материалы Смотрите на DVD Режиссер Пол Майда Бергес Paul Mayeda одмлу Berges Актеры (показать всех актеров) Айшвария Рай Aishwarya Rai Дилан Макдермотт Dylan McDermott Дилан Макдермот родился 26 октября 1962 года в Уотербери (штат Коннектикут, США) Там же он и рос под присмотром бабушки, уже подростком переехав к отцу, владельцу небольшого нью - йоркского бара в Гринич - Вилледж С театром Дилан Макдермот Айеша Дхаркер Ayesha Dharker.  Формат: DVD (PAL) (Картонный бокс) Дистрибьютор: Top Industry Региональный код: 5 Звуковые дорожки: Русский Закадровый перевод Dolby Digital 5 1 Английский Dolby Digital 5 1 Формат изображения: WideScreen 16:9 (1 78:1) Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 2005 г , 96 мин , США Capitol Films, Kintop Pictures Художественный кинофильм.

Mistress of Spices.
Voting Green артикул 11083b.
Voting Green артикул 11083b.

Book DescriptionVoting Green - 1411637038 Learn all about The Green Party (the freshest, fastest-growing political party on earth) User friendly and easy to understand, this Earth Friendly Guide leads you step-by-step until you are expert on everything Green! Full worldwide resources ensures all information is easy to find and use Buy this одмлъ book and help paint the earth Green! This book is a non-profit venture.  2005 г 123 стр ISBN 1411637038.

The Palgrave Environmental Reader артикул 11085b.
The Palgrave Environmental Reader артикул 11085b.

Book Description The Palgrave Environmental Reader explores America's evolving fascination with nature and environmental concerns From the New England Transcendentalists to the UN convention on climate change, this book includes works by Thomas Jefferson, Henry David Thoreau, Theodore Roosevelt, Rachel Carson, E O Wilson, and others Consisting одмма of thirty-five important pieces covering a variety of issues, this reader distinguishes itself from other writing on the subject by presenting more extensive excerpts and by emphasizing themes such as environmental activism, racism, and law.  2005 г 304 стр ISBN 1403965943.

Palgrave Advances in International Environmental Politics (Palgrave Advances) артикул 11087b.
Palgrave Advances in International Environmental Politics (Palgrave Advances) артикул 11087b.

Book Description This book provides authoritative and up-to-date research for anyone interested in the study of international environmental politics The first section reviews the historical development of international environmental politics as wellas the theoretical and methodological approaches used in its study The following chapters одммк each review the trajectory of a key research area within international environmental politics and elaborate on current approaches and debates Case studies in eachchapter illuminate the main theoretical questions that emerge from the review.  2005 г 356 стр ISBN 1403921075.

Avian Influenza : Prevention and Control (Wageningen UR Frontis Series) артикул 11089b.
Avian Influenza : Prevention and Control (Wageningen UR Frontis Series) артикул 11089b.

Book DescriptionAvian Influenza has become one of the biggest threats for human and animal health The old paradigm was that the disease in waterfowl, poultry, pigs and man was caused by separate viruses that each stayed reasonably well within their own niche The only danger to man was considered being infected by pigs, being the mixing vessel, where одммь avian and human influenza viruses could come together and exchange genetic material to form new viruses that are potentially dangerous to man This has dramatically proven wrong during the last decade, with huge outbreaks in the USA, Europe, and Asia The H5N1 strain that caused human deaths in Hong Kong appeared to be transmitted directly from poultry to man This initiated sudden awareness that pigs were not a necessary intermediate in the transmission chain During the AI outbreaks in Italy, mutation of low-pathogenicity viruses into high-pathogenicity viruses in poultry appeared another new threat, and further evidence that the poultry sector had a wolfin sheep’s clothing It put pressure on development of diagnostic methods that could be used in large monitoring programmes In The Netherlands a human fatality, after increased reports of conjunctivitis during a H7N7 outbreak, signalled that different AI strains could be fatal to man Also, the huge economic losses and difficulties in controlling the spread of the infection in densely populated poultry areas, problems with vaccination and lack of marker vaccines demonstrated that the current control policy must be improved These events led to an international AI conference with experts from Asia, USA and Europe In this book you will find new views on the issues, expert opinions and the results of in-depth discussions among avian experts of around the world that do not want to give up against this dangerous virus.  2005 г 152 стр ISBN 1402034393.

Environmental Change and its Implications for Population Migration (Advances in Global Change Research) артикул 11091b.
Environmental Change and its Implications for Population Migration (Advances in Global Change Research) артикул 11091b.

Book DescriptionEnvironmental change in general, and climatic change in particular, are likely to impact significantly upon resources such as water and soils, transforming present day landscapes and their ecological characteristics As a consequence, disruptions of socio-economic activities in sensitive regions of the globe can be expected одмнж in coming decades Agriculture is at particular risk, especially in areas where prolonged droughts, sea level rise, enhanced natural hazards, or extreme meteorologicalevents such as floods or mudslides threaten marginal existence Disruptions and risks may have large effects on population migration Conversely, large-scale movements of people, goods or capital may also disrupt local environments and further contributeto social problems This volume provides an ample overview of state-of-the-art understanding of the multi-dimensional phenomenon of migration, in the characterisation of migration drivers, in environmental and agro-economic case studies and modelling issues as well as socio-political analyses.  2005 г 313 стр ISBN 1402028687.

In Beauty May She Walk; Hiking the Appalachian Trail at 60 артикул 11093b.
In Beauty May She Walk; Hiking the Appalachian Trail at 60 артикул 11093b.

Book DescriptionIn 2001, Leslie Mass turns a lifelong fantasy into reality She began a grueling journey a thru-hike of the 2,000-mile Appalachian Trail While on the trail, Leslie struggles to maintain her obligations to family and friends while making the trail a priority; sheds years of social conditioning that dictate how a woman should act; одмнь and figures out when to ask for help, while understanding that sometimes, help has to come from within For the first few weeks, Leslie learns how to pitch a tent in the rain, make her food bag animal-proof, and keep her socks dry When the terrain toughens, she struggles physically to keep up with the trail community she socially depends on to keep going, and focuses on putting one foot in frontof the other, every day, to reach her destination After September 11, 2001, she copes with being seemingly the only hiker on the trail for miles, eventually forcing her to change her definition of "hiking her own hike " A wife, mother, and suburban college administrator, Leslie is just like any other woman you might pass on a grocery aisle Her story is an inspiring physical and mental journey to reach the goal of a lifetime.  2005 г 416 стр ISBN 0976568608.

The State of the Southern Rockies Ecoregion: A Report by the Southern Rockies Ecosystem Project артикул 11095b.
The State of the Southern Rockies Ecoregion: A Report by the Southern Rockies Ecosystem Project артикул 11095b.

Book Description·Land Use History and Social and Economic Settings ·Biodiversity Assessment ·Protected Areas Assessment ·Conservation and Management Recommendations The State of the Southern Rockies Ecoregion report provides a preliminary examination and layout of the ecological health of the Southern Rockies The report examines одмое land use history, social and economic settings, native biodiversity status, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem conditions, and protected landsand roadless areas in the ecoregion It also encourages a long-term, landscape-scale framework within which to promote further conservation planning and ecosystem management efforts in the Southern Rockies.  2004 г 137 стр ISBN 0972441379.

Milton Nascimento Courage артикул 11097b.
Milton Nascimento Courage артикул 11097b.

Данное издание содержит буклет с дополнительной информацией и текстами песен на английском языке Содержание 1 Bridges (Travessia) 2 Vera Cruz 3 Tres Pontas 4 Outubro (October) 5 Courage 6 Rio Vermelho 7 Gira Girou (Round 'N' Round) 8 одмом Morro Velho 9 Catavento 10 Cancao Do Sol (Saltworkers Song Исполнитель Милтон Насцименто Milton Nascimento.  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьютор: A&M Records Ltd Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 1994 г Альбом.

Metal of Dishonor-Depleted Uranium : How the Pentagon Radiates Soldiers & Civilians with DU Weapons артикул 11099b.
Metal of Dishonor-Depleted Uranium : How the Pentagon Radiates Soldiers & Civilians with DU Weapons артикул 11099b.

Book Description The drastic health and environmental consequences of a new generation of radioactive weapons, Depleted Uranium (DU), currently being used in U S -waged wars are discussed in these essays This "new kind of nuclear war" is examined alongside the effects on Vietnam and Gulf war veterans and the indigenous people on whose одмос land these weapons are being tested Among the issues covered are the collaborative military and media cover-up of DU, the government's denial of DU's toxic effects, uranium development on Native American land, nuclear testing on the Marshall Islands, and radioactive residue in the Middle East Contributors include Ramsey Clark, Pat Broudy, and Helen Caldicott Official government documents on DU and its effects and charts illustrating where DU is tested and stored in the United States are included for further examination.  2004 г 260 стр ISBN 0965691608.

California Wild: Preserving the Spirit and Beauty of Our Land артикул 11101b.
California Wild: Preserving the Spirit and Beauty of Our Land артикул 11101b.

Book Description"California Wild" celebrates the beauty of the Golden State, interprets its natural wonders, and inspires you to care for this remarkable place with joy, foresight, and stewardship With a blend of natural history, evocative writing,informative passages, and personal experience, writer Tim Palmer brings this одмоф spectacular landscape to life His photographs, and those of Terry Donnelly and Mary Liz Austin, take you to some of the most spectacular landscapes in America While much of the California landscape has been changed in the past several generations, much still remains undeveloped This book captures the spirit of that wildness and reminds us that the exquisite workings of nature are essential to all of life "CaliforniaWild" takes you on a tour of mountains and forests, deserts and seashores, grasslands, lakes, and rivers Youll experience this great state in all seasons, and youll share incomparable views from the highest mountaintop down to the Pacific surf at sea level Finally, Palmer tells you about the California Wild Heritage Campaign and the efforts of thousands of people to protect wild land and rivers, which still reveal the force of nature in all its glory.  2004 г 144 стр ISBN 0896586510.

A Primer of Conservation Biology, Third Edition артикул 11103b.
A Primer of Conservation Biology, Third Edition артикул 11103b.

Book DescriptionA Primer of Conservation Biology, Third Edition incorporates background, theory, and examples in a lively and readable text that will appeal to a wide audience and stimulate interest in conservation biology The book provides the most up-to-date perspective on many high-profile issues in the field, such as sustainable development, одмпв the effectiveness of conservation laws and treaties, the design of conservation areas, classification of conservation threats, and strategies to save species onthe verge of extinction The Primer is divided into five chapters, focusing successively on biological diversity and its value, the threats to biological diversity, conservation at the population and species levels, protecting and managing habitats and ecosystems, and human societies and sustainable development Case studies are included to demonstrate the controversies in the field, and to stimulate thought and discussion The book provides many examples of successful conservation approaches and ends with suggestions for a future agenda Throughout, the choice of examples is well balanced to show the full range of species, habitats, and geographic areas of the world The links between conservation biology and environmental law, environmental economics, philosophy, social sciences and anthropology, park management, and government policy are clearly presented The book is very well illustrated, includes an extensive bibliography (covering literature through 2004) and a glossary, and has an annotated list of suggested readings and discussion questions at the end of each chapter Sources of further information are given in an Appendix A Primer of Conservation Biology is ideally suited for use in short undergraduate courses, either as a stand-alone text or supplemented by outside readings It can also be used effectively as a supplemental resource for courses in introductory biology, general ecology, population biology, environmental science, and wildlife management Its broad perspective, concise format, and appealing writing style make the Primer the perfect choice for students, volunteers, professionals, government policymakers, and others who are eager to learn more about conservation biology These same qualities give the book a strong appeal to students whose first language is not English.  2004 г 320 стр ISBN 0878937285.

Black Rock артикул 11105b.
Black Rock артикул 11105b.

Book DescriptionA photographer and a geographer explore where the pavement ends Nevadas enigmatic Black Rock country, despite its apparent silence and isolation, is actually an area where natural forces are ceaselessly restless and life in many forms has endured for millennia Its haunting landscape has been the focus of study and contemplation одмпм by scientists, explorers, outdoors aficionados, and artists In Black Rock, photographer Peter Goin and geographer Paul F Starrs explore this fascinating place from the viewpoints of their respective disciplines The Black Rock, a desert realm almost the size of Delaware but scarcely a hundred miles north of Reno, embraces mile-high vertical mountains and one of the earths flattest, most barren salt pans, boiling hot springs and freezing winter cold, plants that have evolved to survive the severest drought and lush pockets of rich grasses Its bewildering environments startle our senses with a raw physical intensity that comes through in Goins eloquent photographs and Starrss richly informed text We observe the region from numerous perspectives--the Black Rock at ground level, from the skies above, in the geology below; witness the shaping roles of water, wind, and geothermal action in shaping it; and view the effects of human hands, from ancient Native Americans to nineteenth-century explorers, ranchers, and miners, up through the congregants at todays Burning Man festivals The result is a brilliant duet of visual and literary commentary on a region of stunning paradoxes and constant change and activity, where need and curiosity encounter the daunting, implacable forces of nature.  2005 г 273 стр ISBN 0874175917.

The Gun Digest Book of Guns for Personal Defense: Arms & Accessories For Self-Defense артикул 11107b.
The Gun Digest Book of Guns for Personal Defense: Arms & Accessories For Self-Defense артикул 11107b.

Book DescriptionPersonal protection is a hot topic today, and current, complete information on the handguns used for it is in great demand This Gun Digest? new release provides just that Handgun enthusiasts or anyone looking to find out about handguns for personal defense will find everything they need to know in the pages of this comprehensive одмпо guide and reference Readers will learn the basics of selection and use of handguns for personal defense The book covers uses of revolvers, semi-automatic pistols, ammunition, holsters, firearms training options, buying a used gun and much more A catalog section contains listings of currently available pistols and revolvers suitable for personal defense, complete with pricing for each.  2004 г 160 стр ISBN 087349931X.

Massively Multiplayer Game Development 2 (Game Development) артикул 11054b.
Massively Multiplayer Game Development 2 (Game Development) артикул 11054b.

As the MMP game market continues to grow, new challenges and technology hurdles constantly emerge Massively Multiplayer Game Development 2 is an all new volume in this successful series written to address the challenges faced by the entire MMP development team, not just the programmers The articles include a wealth of unique knowledge acquired одмип through the experiences of some of the online game industry?s best and brightest developers These developers have worked on the most successful and anticipated MMP games, such as EverQuest, Ultima Online, The Sims Online, Second Life, Asheron?s Call, Star Wars Galaxies, and more Programmers will find a wide array of technical tips and techniques throughout the collection, while designers and producers will find numerous articles filled with readable, informative insights to successful MMP design, along with time and costsaving production methods Most of the articles are self-contained so they can be read in any order There is also a companion Web site that will be updated frequently with development news and commentary from the biggest names in online game development This collection will provide the entire team with ready-to-use techniques and innovative methods for solving all of your MMP challenges 1 edition Автор Тор Александэр Thor Alexander.  Издательство: Charles River Media, 2005 г Твердый переплет, 508 стр ISBN 1584503904.

От кого мы произошли? Часть II Что сказали тибетские ламы артикул 11056b.
От кого мы произошли? Часть II Что сказали тибетские ламы артикул 11056b.

Автор Эрнст Мулдашев Эрнст Рифгатович Мулдашев родился 1 января 1948 года в селе Серменево Белорецкого района Башкирской АССР Работает в Башкирском государственном медицинском одмищ институте В 1972-1982 годах – старший научный сотрудник, руководитель отделения реконструктивной.  Издательства: АиФ-Принт, Олма-Пресс, Нева, 2003 г Мягкая обложка, 256 стр ISBN 5-94736-022-5, 5-7654-2598-4, 5-224-04124-4 Тираж: 50000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Computers and Games: Revised Papers of the Second International Conference, Cg 2000, Hamamatsu, Japan, October 26-28, 2000 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2063) артикул 11058b.
Computers and Games: Revised Papers of the Second International Conference, Cg 2000, Hamamatsu, Japan, October 26-28, 2000 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2063) артикул 11058b.

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computers and Games, CG 2001, held in Hamamatsu, Japan in October 2000 The 23 revised full papers presented together with two invited contributions and five reviews were carefully refereed and selected during two rounds of reviewing and одмиь improvement The papers are organized in topical sections on search and strategies, learning and pattern acquisition, theory and complexity issues, and further experiments on game; the reviews presented are on computer language games, computer Go, intelligent agents for computer games, RoboCup, and computer Shogi.  ISBN 3540430806.

Beginning NET Game Programming in VB NET артикул 11060b.
Beginning NET Game Programming in VB NET артикул 11060b.

Book Description The book's greatest strength: the fact that it is very much grounded in writing a game — Craig Andera, NET Practice Lead, Wangdera Corporation This highly-anticipated title provides a clear introduction to game programming for you, VB NET programmers! Microsoft insiders have written an easy-to-read guide, so you can start одмйз programming games quickly This book even includes an introduction to Managed DirectX9, and other advanced NET features, like animation and sounds Code examples are actually complete games, and include Nettrix , Netterpillars, River Pla NET, Magic KindergarteN , D-iNfEcT, Nettrix II (for the Pocket PC), and a version of the classic game, Spacewars.  2004 г 440 стр ISBN 1590594010.

Одическое ожерелье Нить первая артикул 11062b.
Одическое ожерелье Нить первая артикул 11062b.

Художник: А Иванов Серия книг `Одическое ожерелье` принадлежит к редкому жанру поэтической философии В лаконичных восьмистишьях, наполненных гармонически-возвышенным одмйъ ладом, выявляется широкий спектр универсального мировоззрения автора, отражающего аспекты и этапы духовнойэволюции человека и Вселенной Автор Вадим Марк-Георг.  Серия: Одическое ожерелье.

Славянские предсказания будущего артикул 11064b.
Славянские предсказания будущего артикул 11064b.

Книга посвящена предсказаниям будущего у славян и включает в себя предсказательные магические практики и те способы, с помощью которых наши предки старались уберечься от одмйю плохого будущего Приводятся тексты свадебных предсказаний, предсказаний, связанных с родами, с домом и окружающим славян пространством Дается календарь примет и предсказаний Автор Вера Соловьева Валеолог, член Российского Межрегионального союза писателей, лауреат литературных премий: "За сохранение традиций в русской литературе" им А С Пушкина и "Золотой медали" им Г Р Державина Автор более 40 книг по здоровому образу жизни В августе 2005.  Издательство: Нева, 2003 г Мягкая обложка, 192 стр ISBN 5-7654-2784-7 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Handbook of Computer Game Studies артикул 11066b.
Handbook of Computer Game Studies артикул 11066b.

Book DescriptionNew media students, teachers, and professionals have long needed a comprehensive scholarly treatment of digital games that deals with the history, design, reception, and aesthetics of games along with their social and cultural context The Handbook of Computer Game Studies fills this need with a definitive look at the subject одмки from a broad range of perspectives Contributors come from cognitive science and artificial intelligence, developmental, social, and clinical psychology, history, film, theater, and literary studies, cultural studies, and philosophy as well as game design and development The text includes both scholarly articles and journalism from such well-known voices as Douglas Rushkoff, Sherry Turkle, Henry Jenkins, Katie Salen, Eric Zimmerman, and others Part I considers the "prehistory" of computer games (including slot machines and pinball machines), the development of computer games themselves, and the future of mobile gaming The chapters in part II describe game development from the designer's point of view, including the design of play elements, an analysis of screenwriting, and game-based learning Part III reviews empirical research on the psychological effects of computer games, and includes a discussion of the use of computer games in clinical and educational settings Part IV considers the aesthetics of games in comparison to film and literature, and part V discusses the effect of computer games on cultural identity, including gender and ethnicity Finally, part VI looks at the relation of computer games to social behavior, considering, among other matters, the inadequacy of laboratory experiments linking games and aggression and the different modes of participation in computer game culture.  2005 г 496 стр ISBN 0262182408.

Mathematics for Game Developers (Game Development) артикул 11068b.
Mathematics for Game Developers (Game Development) артикул 11068b.

Mathematics for Game Developers is just thata math book designed specifically for the game developer, not the mathematician As a game developer, you know that math is a fundamental part of your programming arsenal In order to program a game that goes beyond the basics, you must first master concepts such as matrices and vectors In this book, you will одмкн find some unique solutions for dealing with real problems youll face when programming many types of 3D games Not only will you learn how to solve these problems, youll also learn why the solution works, enabling you to apply that solution to other problems Youll also learn how to leverage software to help solve algebraic equations Through numerous examples, this book clarifies how mathematical ideas fit together and how they apply to game programming.  ISBN 159200038X.

Game Programming Gems 4 артикул 11070b.
Game Programming Gems 4 артикул 11070b.

Uncover the secrets of the game industry's best programmers with the newest volume of the Game Programming Gems series With over 60 all new techniques, Game Programming Gems 4 continues to be the definitive resource for developers Written by expert game developers who make today's amazing games, these articles not only provide quick solutions одмкт to cutting-edge problems, but they provide insights that you'll return to again and again They'll spark your creativity and inspire your own discoveries For the past few years, the game industry has been on an incredible journey of exploration and innovation In conjunction with this journey, the scope of the Game Programming Gems series has broadened as well With the variety of new platforms available, coverage has been expanded to include alternative languages and third party APIs Most code is written in C++, but some interpreted languages (Java and Python) are also represented The graphics articles make use of OpenGL, DirectX, and the various available shader languages Volume 4 also includes an all new physics section that teaches innovative techniques for implementing real-time physics that will help you create emergent gameplay To make searching between all four volumes of the series easy and efficient, we have added a cumulative index This new volume is a definite must-have resource for every game programmer's library! 1 edition Автор Андрю Кирмс Andrew Kirmse.  Издательство: Charles River Media, 2004 г Твердый переплет, 744 стр ISBN 1584502959.

Книга о вечной жизни Сестра моя смерть артикул 11072b.
Книга о вечной жизни Сестра моя смерть артикул 11072b.

Новые методы реанимации позволили ученым приоткрыть завесу над тайной смерти и увидеть немного больше, чем было возможно до сих пор Оказывается, смерть тела - еще не конец существования одмкч личности Главная часть человека - душа - покидает умершее тело и продолжает жить в новых условиях Авторы Василий Тверской Нелли Тверская.  Серия: Ваша тайна.

Кунсткамера аномалий артикул 11074b.
Кунсткамера аномалий артикул 11074b.

Художник: Ю Федичкин В этой увлекательной книге собрана богатейшая коллекция самых разнообразных аномалий Среди них - необычайные природные явления, феноменальные свойства одмкы пространства и времени, редкие анатомические уродства, диковинные формы поведения, стойкие историческиезаблуждения, необычные способности человека и многое, многое другое, всегда вызывающее законное любопытство у читателя Издание снабжено редкими иллюстрациями, а также именным и предметным указателем Авторы Николай Непомнящий Игорь Винокуров.  Серия: Энциклопедия загадочного и неведомого.

Сила разума артикул 11076b.
Сила разума артикул 11076b.

Творя свою жизнь и ее обстоятельства, мы будем всегда привлекать к себе только то, что соответствует нашим мыслям В конечном счете человек есть именно то, что он думает; он велик одмлг по своим возможностям, если думает о великом, и ничтожен, если думает о ничтожном Автор Эрнст Холмс.  Издательство: Амрита-Русь, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 112 стр ISBN 5-94355-068-2 Тираж: 2000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Object-Oriented Game Development артикул 11078b.
Object-Oriented Game Development артикул 11078b.

Book Description This book addresses how program teams can develop complex games within the constraints of deadlines, budgets, and changing technologies It establishes a set best practices taken from real-world experiences, while making sure readers understand that there are not any absolute solutions Readers are taught how to write reusable одмлй code that they will actually reuse along with games that require component technology Practical object-oriented design methodologies with examples drawn directly from commercial code are also discussed This book is useful for the entire game development team, including producers, designers, artists, and programmers.  2004 г 440 стр ISBN 032117660X.

In Their Shoes: Extraordinary Women Describe Their Amazing Careers артикул 11080b.
In Their Shoes: Extraordinary Women Describe Their Amazing Careers артикул 11080b.

Find out what you really want to know about your career choices: What will I do every day? Will I wear Prada or Old Navy? Play with kids on the playground, or with bigwigs in the boardroom? Power lunch at the Ivy, or bag lunch at my desk? What kind of education do I need? This book is packed full of answers "Day in the life" profiles will inspire одмлт you, while a ton of sidebars, lists, and helpful tips will get you started right away on finding the career that's right for you Discover words of wisdom from women in the workforce, including: Shonda Rhimes, creator and executive producer of Grey's Anatomy, who thinks her job is like running a small country Susan Schulz, editor in chief of CosmoGIRL!, who compares her life to both a chess game and the prom U S Senator Barbara Boxer, who says that if you're passionate about an issue, you can turn it into a career Browse through the profiles to find the job that's right for you, or use the career chooser to narrow your search Packed with informative and inspirational advice from women at every stage of their careers, In Their Shoes is a must-have reference for every aspiring working girl! Автор Deborah Reber.  Издательство: Simon Pulse, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 412 стр ISBN 1416925783 Язык: Английский.

Hunt for the Skinwalker : Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah артикул 11082b.
Hunt for the Skinwalker : Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah артикул 11082b.

Book Description The author of the controversial bestseller Brain Trust brings his scientific expertise to the chilling true story of unexplained phenomena on Utah's Skinwalker Ranch -- and challenges us with a new vision of reality For more than fifty years, the bizarre events at a remote Utah ranch have ranged from the perplexing to the wholly одмлц terrifying Vanishing and mutilated cattle Unidentified Flying Objects The appearance of huge, otherworldly creatures Invisible objects emitting magnetic fields with the power to spark a cattle stampede Flying orbs of light with dazzling maneuverability and lethal consequences For one family, life on the Skinwalker Ranch had become a life under siege by an unknown enemy or enemies Nothing else could explain the horrors that surrounded them -- perhaps science could Leading a first-class team of research scientists on a disturbing odyssey into the unknown, Colm Kelleher spent hundreds of days and nights on the Skinwalker property and experienced firsthand many of its haunting mysteries With investigative reporter George Knapp -- the only journalist allowed to witness and document the team's work -- Kelleher chronicles in superb detail the spectacular happenings the team observed personally, and the theories of modern physics behind the phenomena Far from the coldly detached findings one might expect, their conclusions are utterly hair-raising in their implications Opening a door to the unseen world around us, Hunt for the Skinwalker is a clarion call to expand our vision far beyond what we know Download DescriptionThe author of the controversial bestseller Brain Trust brings his scientific expertise to the chilling true story of unexplained phenomena on Utah's Skinwalker Ranch -- and challenges us with a new vision of reality.  2005 г 320 стр ISBN 1416505210.

Desert Peoples: Archaeological Perspectives артикул 11084b.
Desert Peoples: Archaeological Perspectives артикул 11084b.

Book DescriptionDesert Peoples: Archaeological Perspectives provides an overview of hunter-gatherers in desert landscapes Written by an international roster of experts, this volume examines the key concepts vital to understanding human adaptation to marginal environments and the behavioral and belief systems that underpin these concepts одмлы Desert Peoples brings together studies from deserts as diverse as the sand dunes of Australia, the US Great Basin, the coastal and high altitude deserts of South America, and the core deserts of Africa Ultimately, Desert Peoples comparative approach profiles current understandings and debates about cultural and ecological processes affecting hunter-gatherer societies in deserts.  2004 г 308 стр ISBN 1405100915.

Developing Ecofeminist Theory : The Complexity of Difference артикул 11086b.
Developing Ecofeminist Theory : The Complexity of Difference артикул 11086b.

Book Description This book provides a comprehensive overview of feminist and environmental theories of society-environment relations, considers the range of theoretical and political influences on socialist and Marxist theory, amongst others, and the social sciences' turn to poststructuralism and postmodernism Cudworth also develops одмме her own theoretical account for the interrelations between forms of social domination and contributes to important debates with sociology, social theory, feminist theory and environmentalism.  2005 г 232 стр ISBN 1403941157.

Nature Printing артикул 11088b.
Nature Printing артикул 11088b.

Book Description There’s no greater source of creative inspiration than the living palette of the natural world From the Ogden Nature Center, a 127-acre wildlife sanctuary and educational foundation in Ogden, Utah, comes a collection of inventive ideas for using nature’s bounty to produce beautiful prints By applying ink or paint to such одммм materials as leaves, flowers, and bark, then transferring the image to paper, fabric, or another medium, you can make marvelously unique designs Thereare some 30 projects in all, including Leaf-Printed Gift Wrap and Etched Glassware, accompanied by full-color photographs and explanatory text Techniques include direct printing, gyotaku (Japanese fish rubbing), imprinting, hammer printing, and collage Special tips on using color and printing on fabric, pottery, or glassware assure excellent results.  2004 г 128 стр ISBN 140270724X.

Environmentally Friendly Coastal Protection : Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Environmentally Friendly Coastal Protection Structures, IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences) артикул 11090b.
Environmentally Friendly Coastal Protection : Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Environmentally Friendly Coastal Protection Structures, IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences) артикул 11090b.

Book DescriptionCoast lines have been and still are the centre lines of civilization around the world with still increasing pressure from both sides, the hinterland and the sea, with all its foreseeable and unforeseeable impacts given by nature or mankind While response of nature to such impacts is flexible in the way that all morphological changes одмнв with all the consequences are tolerated as part of the system, man cannot tolerate short-term or long-term changes without being threatened in its physical and economical existence The objectives of this Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) on Environmentally Friendly Coastal Structures were: - to contribute to the critical assessment of existing knowledge in the field of coastal and environmental protection; - to identify directions for future research in that area; - to promote close working relationships between scientists from different countries and with different professional experience Latest trends in research in coastal and environmental protection have been summarized and developed during the meeting Seventeen papers are presented in this book, attempting to cover as completely as possible all related aspects – coast, engineering structures, water, sediments, ecosystems in their complicated interaction.  2005 г 276 стр ISBN 1402033001.

Issues in Bioinvasion Science : EEI 2003: a Contribution to the Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species артикул 11092b.
Issues in Bioinvasion Science : EEI 2003: a Contribution to the Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species артикул 11092b.

Book DescriptionBiological invasions are a global problem whose local impact can be of great magnitude The prevention and minimization of the impact of invasive alien species has become a priority because of their negative impact on biodiversity, economy and public health Effective responses are needed; cooperation and coordination among одмнш countries and/or different sectors of society are a must To combine and share experiences on biological invasions at international, regional and local level it is essential to develop compatible approaches to common problems With this aim, the GEI (Grupo Especies Invasoras) organised the First National Conference on Invasive Alien Species in Spain in 2003 Scientists coming from different parts of the Iberian Peninsula belonging to universities, public administration, NGOs and environmental enterprises and world-renowned experts on biological invasions from other countries responded to this "call for action" and participated in the conference Issues in Bioinvasion Science contains key contributions of this conference The themes included cut across different aspects of non-native species invasions This volume is essential reading for anyone seeking an understanding of non-native species invasions Our aim: to go beyond national boundaries in order to tackle these complex biological issues.  2005 г 150 стр ISBN 1402029020.

A People's History of Wilderness артикул 11094b.
A People's History of Wilderness артикул 11094b.

Book Description·Published on the 40th anniversary of America's most important public lands protection movement ·Highlights the citizen activists who made and continue to make wilderness real ·Features new and archival stories fromHigh Country News With the signing of the Wilderness Act by President Lyndon B Johnson on September 3, 1964, одмод the National Wilderness Preservation System was established to " secure for the American people of present and future generations the benefits of an enduring resource of wilderness " High Country News brings to life the people and events who shaped this unprecedented citizen's movement Drawn from the pages of this award-winning newspaper whose coverage has been solely focused on environmental and cultural issues affecting the American West for over three decades, A People's History of Wilderness presents the competing philosophies, complexities, and passions, as they happened, that has resulted in the protection of over 104 million acres of wilderness.  2004 г 495 стр ISBN 0974448516.

Vanishing артикул 11096b.
Vanishing артикул 11096b.

Book Description Vanishing is a riveting collection of 16 photo essays taken over 16 years by one of the world's most acclaimed photojournalists It is a tour through endangered life forms and ruined environments, human catastrophes and destruction-resulting in vanishing cultures From the book's introduction: "Vanishing speaks on behalf одмок of life, despite man's ever-threatening presence This body of work offers nothing in the way of answers, neither is it a sermon in hopes of brighter days Vanishing gives those who go about their business, living their lives, a chance to look beyond their worlds and into others " Included are Guyana, Bohemia, Beirut, Bolivia, Congo, Louisiana, Zimbabwe, Ecuador, Prague, Chernobyl, Angola, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Iraq and New York City Antonin Kratochvil, born in 1947 in Czechoslovakia, is a founding member of VII, the esteemed cooperative picture agency Over the past 25 years, his diverse assignments havetaken him around the world His work has appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Newsweek, Time, Conde Nast Traveler, GEO, Mother Jones, Smithsonian magazine, Natural History and the United Nations' Choices magazine His other books are Broken Dream and Incognito Michael Persson was once a war correspondent His essays have appeared in the Harvard University School of Journalism's Neiman Reports, The American Society for Free Speech and in Rethink: Cause and Consequences of September 11 This is his third collaboration with Kratochvil.  2005 г 244 стр ISBN 0970576838.

Monkeys Are Made of Chocolate: Exotic and Unseen Costa Rica артикул 11098b.
Monkeys Are Made of Chocolate: Exotic and Unseen Costa Rica артикул 11098b.

Book DescriptionDiscover the mysterious and fascinating ways in which animals and plantsand peopleinteract with one another in the rainforests of Costa Rica Author and naturalist Jack Ewing shares a wealth of observations and experiences, gathered from more than three decades of living in southwestern Costa Rica, home to some of the most одмон prolific and diverse ecosystems on Earth More than just a simple collection of essays, Monkeys are Made of Chocolate is a testament to the wonder of life in all its countless guises, as seen through the eyes of a man with a gift for subtle discernment and a natural flair for storytelling.  2005 г 210 стр ISBN 0965809811.

The Gospel of the Redman (The Library of Perennial Philosophy Spiritual Classics Series) артикул 11100b.
The Gospel of the Redman (The Library of Perennial Philosophy Spiritual Classics Series) артикул 11100b.

Book DescriptionThis commemorative edition contains for the first time Seton's drawigns of American Indian motifs, a selection of photographs illustrating his life, inforamtion abouthis role as founder of the Boys Scouts of America Download DescriptionInresponse to mounting environmental concerns, a defining characteristic of the latter одмоу part of 20th century American life is the increasing interest in Native American philosophies Ernest Thompson Seton (1860-1946) was one of the earliest supporters of the political, cultural, and spiritual rights of First Peoples, and as a corrective to the materialistic worldview and environmental abuses of our day, The Gospel of the Redman is a prophetic work This commemorative edition contains for the first time Seton's drawings of American Indian motifs, a selection of photographs illustrating his life, information about his role as founder of the Boy Scouts of America, and his friendship with prominent American Indian leaders As one of the earliest authentic books on traditional Native American philosophy, The Gospel of the Redman continues to be a valuable source to understand the perennial wisdom of the American Indians in its essential form, and it speaks in an eloquently simple language to the heart of all who seek to better understand how to conserve and protect the earth.  2005 г 176 стр ISBN 0941532763.

Венди на диком западе! / Wild West Wendy артикул 11102b.
Венди на диком западе! / Wild West Wendy артикул 11102b.

Покорите Дикий Запад, организовав сеть собственных салунов! Подносите выпивку, получайте награду за поимку бандитов, возвращайте потерявшихся коров! Жизнь американской одмоь глубинки отображена в 9 превосходных сценариях, более чем 35 мультфильмах и сотнях курьезных новостей из городской газетенки Узнайте всю правду о местном населении: действительно ли городской гробовщик - вампир? Вон тот парень выпил зелье невидимости или он просто призрак? А кто оставляет на дороге по ночам странные следы? Дерзай, ковбой, непокоренная земля ждет своих героев Йих-ха! Особенности игры: 9 различных сценариев и три режима игры Вы встретите множество забавных персонажей, населяющих Дикий Запад Написанная специально для игры музыка в стиле кантри Международная система рейтинга - побейте рекорды других игроков! Язык интерфейса: русский Веб-сайт издателя: www cdnavigator ru.  CD-ROM, 2005 г Издатель: Полет Навигатора; Разработчик: Mystery Studio пластиковый Jewel case Что делать, если программа не запускается?.

Аркада в стиле Дикого Запада.
Principles of Conservation Biology, Third Edition артикул 11104b.
Principles of Conservation Biology, Third Edition артикул 11104b.

Book DescriptionPrinciples of Conservation Biology, Third Edition features a wholly revised organization, emphasizing analyses of different categories of threat and approaches to conservation Coverage has been expanded to incorporate both terrestrial and marine conservation issues, and efforts in the U S and across the globe Principles одмпз eighteen chapters introduce the major themes and concepts of this diverse and dynamic field The biological and social underpinnings of conservation problems and potential solutions are interwoven throughout the text, which is divided into three sections: foundations of the field, threats to biodiversity, and approaches to solving conservation problems Guest essays and case studies provide a diversity of perspectives and real-world examples that add insight and provoke discussion The text is richly illustrated, and concludes with an extensive glossary and bibliography This book is intended for use in conservation biology courses at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as by researchers and practitioners, and assumes a basic background in biology and ecology.  2005 г 779 стр ISBN 0878935185.

UserGate Corporate Edition 4 0 + Антивирус Касперского (до 150 сессий) артикул 11106b.
UserGate Corporate Edition 4 0 + Антивирус Касперского (до 150 сессий) артикул 11106b.

UserGate Corporate Edition 4 0 - продукт для для легкого и быстрого обеспечения подключения локальной сети компьютеров к Интернет через один выход - модем, выделенная линия и пр Новая версия одмпн UserGate 4 0 содержит в себе средство сетевой безопасности - встроенный firewall (межсетевой экран), защищающий сервер от вторжений и несанкционированного доступа Функциональность межсетевого экрана позволяет открыть доступ к необходимым портам, например, для того, чтобы опубликовать веб-сервер компании в сети Интернет Обновлен и клиент администрирования Дизайн нового клиента разработан для более удобного отображения информации о настройках прокси- сервера Настройка прокси-сервера поясняется на конкретных примерах, представленных в контекстной помощи и в руководстве пользователя UserGate 4 0 предназначен для решения задач, которые на сегодняшний день актуальны для большинства компаний, - снижение нагрузки на сеть и затрат на трафик С помощью гибкой системы правил администратор сети может регулировать скорость соединения, задавать расписание работы пользователей, а также осуществлять детальный мониторинг активных Интернет- сессий пользователя в реальном времени На основании полученных по этим данным статистических отчетов (модуль статистики) становится возможным контролировать и корректировать поведение пользователей, планировать бюджеты и определять политику компании по использованию сети Интернет UserGate 4 0 поддерживает функции веб-фильтрации, блокирования баннеров и Flash-заставок, работает со встроенной биллинговой системой, которая позволяет адаптировать схему работы к различным тарифным планам и протоколам, а также управлять трафиком Антивирус Касперского для UserGate CE 4 0 выполняет функции фильтра: перехватывая данные, передаваемые по протоколам HTTP и FTP, он выделяет из общего потока объекты, подлежащие контролю, и анализирует их на присутствие вирусов и других вредоносных кодов В Антивирусе Касперского применяются современные технологии защиты от вирусов, основанные на процедуре полуавтоматического сбора и анализа, новых образцов вредоносных программ Благодаря этим технологиям, а также за счет ежечасных обновлений антивирусных баз, антивирусный модуль, интегрированный в прокси-сервер UserGate, способен обнаружить рекордное количество неизвестных вирусов с максимальной скоростью реакции Все большее число пользователей страдают от вредоносных программ, ориентированных на хищение конфиденциальной и финансовой информации Антивирусный функционал от компании "Лаборатория Касперского" в прокси- сервере UserGate обеспечивает защиту, в том числе и от вредоносных программ, предназначенных для удаленного наблюдения и управления компьютером Это достигается за счет широкого набора баз данных, включающего наиболее опасные программы класса spyware Функциональные особенности: 1 Клиент удаленного администрирования - эта возможность позволит Вам администрировать Ваш UG-сервер удаленно, не находясь физически рядом с Вашим сервером Удаленно администрировать Ваш сервер можно будет также из зоны Интернета (в случае, если сервер с установленным UG имеет реальный IP-адрес) 2 Развитая система авторизации пользователей - Вы сможете авторизовать пользователя любым удобным вам способом: по IP-адресу, логически при помощи имени и пароля или с помощью учетных записей Active Directory и ряд еще удобных способов авторизации 3 Импорт пользователей из Active Directory - теперь Вам не придется вручную заводить несколько сотен пользователей; за Вас все сделает программа 4 Продвинутая система правил - Вы сможете задавать правила работы с Интернет для Ваших пользователей, фильтровать ненужную или опасную информацию, улучшать работу с Интернет и контролировать безопасность Вашей работы в сети 5 Гибкая тарификация - Вы сможете отделять различные виды трафика, по-разному тарифицировать местный и зарубежный трафик 6 Возможность ведения счета пользователя - теперь каждый пользователь имеет свой баланс, который очень легко контролировать 7 Возможность вручную редактировать файл конфигурации (формат XML) - теперь файл конфигурации имеет понятный и доступный формат 8 Хранение всей статистики в базе данных - легкость обслуживания, надежность, простота использования и большие возможности по анализу Ваших затрат на Интернет У Вас появится возможность получать статистику в любом удобном для Вас виде 9 Полная статистика - теперь просмотр статистики стал еще проще Можно просматривать статистику по любым видам информации (пользователя, сайту, процентное выражение в группе, времени, дате и т д ) 10 NAT (Network Address Translation) - теперь настройка вашей сети станет намного проще, а работа в сети намного удобнее Интернет станет <прозрачным> для ваших пользователей и Вы сможете без проблем пользоваться абсолютно всеми Интернет-сервисами Антивирус Касперского для UserGate CE 4 0 выполняет функции фильтра: перехватывая данные, передаваемые по протоколам HTTP и FTP, он выделяет из общего потока объекты, подлежащие контролю, и анализирует их на присутствие вирусов и других вредоносных программ В Антивирусе Касперского применяются современные технологии защиты от вирусов, основанные на процедуре полуавтоматического сбора и анализа, новых образцов вредоносных программ Благодаря этим технологиям, а также за счет ежечасных обновлений антивирусных баз, антивирусный модуль, интегрированный в прокси-сервер UserGate, способен обнаружить рекордное количество неизвестных вирусов с максимальной скоростью реакции Все большее число пользователей страдают от вредоносных программ, ориентированных на хищение конфиденциальной и финансовой информации Антивирусный функционал от компании "Лаборатория Касперского" в прокси-сервере UserGate обеспечивает защиту, в том числе и от вредоносных программ, предназначенных для удаленного наблюдения и управления компьютером Это достигается за счет широкого набора баз данных, включающего наиболее опасные программы класса spyware Продукт динамично развивается и в ближайшее время будет дополнен дополнительной функцией проверки почтовых сообщений При этом цена продукта не возрастет, а пользователи смогут бесплатно перейти на новую версию В комплект поставки входит: 1 CD-ROM - диск с дистрибутивом программы 2 Руководство пользователя в печатном виде (брошюра А5 формата) 3 Лицензия на право использования продукта В стоимость UserGate 4 0 входит: 1 Все обновления в рамках семейства UserGate 4 ХХ ХХ 2 Приоритетная бесплатная техническая поддержка - e-mail: support@usergate ru В стоимость Антивируса Касперского входит: 1 Все обновления в течение 1 (одного) календарного года 2 Приоритетная бесплатная техническая поддержка - e-mail: support@usergate ru UserGate 4 0 лицензируется бессрочно Kaspersky AntiVirus лицензируется на 1 (один) календарный год Языки интерфейса: русский Веб-сайт издателя: www 1c ru Системные требования: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 с установленной поддержкой TCP/IP Hardware (минимальные требования): Выделенный или слабо загруженный компьютер (NT Server) Pentium 200MHz, 32 RAM, 2 MB на HDD + место на диске для cache и log файлов Ограничения: Максимальное количество компьютеров локальной сети, пользующихся ОДНОВРЕМЕННО Интернетом, ограничено количеством рабочих сессий ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ Сессия - один Интернет-активный компьютер, независимо от того, сколько клиентов приложений "смотрит" с него в Интернет Количество сессий - количество ОДНОВРЕМЕННЫХ сессий, как правило, приравнивается к количеству компьютеров в локальной сети.  Серия: 1С: Дистрибьюция.

Прокси-сервер с возможностью биллинга и антивирусной защитой от Лаборатории Касперского.
From Plato to NATO : The Idea of the West and Its Opponents артикул 11108b.
From Plato to NATO : The Idea of the West and Its Opponents артикул 11108b.

Amazon comIn From Plato to NATO, political historian David Gress takes a wide-ranging look at the development of Western Europe and its colonial outposts Gress views Europe not just as a geographic entity, but as a complex of conflicting ideas such as social good and individual rights, control and freedom Those ideas come from many traditions, одмпр and they have blended to make the region politically and economically unlike any other in the world Gress's viewpoint is conservative, but the author also calls himself a "skeptical liberal " Readers of all political stripes will find much food for thought in these pages Book DescriptionAn in-depth intellectual history of the Western idea and a passionate defense of its importance to America's future, From Plato to NATO is the first book to make sense of the legacy of the West at a time when it is facing its greatest challenges Readers of Francis Fukuyama, John Gray, Samuel Huntington, and other analysts of the dilemmas of Western nations in the twenty-first century will find in David Gress's original account a fuller description of what the West really is and how, with the best of intentions, it has been misrepresented Most important, they will encounter a new vision of Western identity and how it can be recovered Early in the twentieth century, American educators put together a story of Western civilization, its origins, history, and promise that for the subsequent fifty years remained at the heart of American college education The story they told was of a Western civilization that began with the Greeks and continued through 2,500 years of great books and great ideas, culminating in twentieth-century progressive liberal democracy, science, and capitalist prosperity In the 1960s, thisGrand Narrative of the West came under attack Over the next thirty years, the critics turned this old story into its opposite: a series of anti-narratives about the evils, the failures, and the betrayals of justice that, so they said, constituted Western history The victory of Western values at the end of the cold war, the spread of democracy and capitalism, and the worldwide impact of American popular culture have not revived the Grand Narrative in the European and American heartlands of the West David Gress explains this paradox, arguing that the Grand Narrative of the West was flawed from the beginning: that the West did not begin in Greece and that, in morality and religion, the Greeks were an alien civilization whose contribution was mediatedthrough Rome and Christianity Furthermore, in assuming a continuity from the Greeks to modern liberalism, we have mistakenly downplayed or rejected everything in between, focusing on the great ideas and the great books rather than on real history with all its ambiguities, conflicts, and contradictions The heart of Gress's case for the future of the West is that the New must remember its roots in the Old and seek a synthesis For as the attacks have demonstrated, the New West cannot stand alone Itsvery virtues -- liberty, reason, progress -- grew out of the Old West and cannot flourish when removed from that rich soil.  2004 г 624 стр ISBN 0743264886.

Показаны 113-168 <Первая|Предыдущая|Следующая>